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Health and Safety Protocols for travel with Airlink

Senator Travel

At Airlink safety and well-being — yours and theirs — remain their primary concern. They’ve introduced additional hygiene protocols in accordance with the COVID-19 guidance.

Whilst they take care of keeping their aircraft clean and safe, you can help them keep them that way with good personal hygiene and social distancing practices throughout your journey, from the moment you leave home, to when you disembark at your destination.

For your safety and theirs, Airlink check-in agents will be wearing face shields/ cloth masks and sit behind transparent protective screens. They will ask you some questions about your recent and current health.

· Your temperature might be measured again at the boarding gate and once more on arrival at your destination.

Boarding Procedures

Because It is crucial that we maintain social distancing and minimize the opportunities for physical contact, boarding will be done differently to how it was done before.

· Boarding will be organised sequentially. The same process will be used for all flights, whether it requires walking across the tarmac, using a jet-bridge or getting on a bus, to reach the aircraft.

· Passengers will be required to scan their own boarding pass at security check points and at the boarding gate, present identification and will be requested to remove their face mask to verify their identification.

· Always remember to wear your mask while the flight is boarding, even after you are seated. If you don't, they are required to offload you.

· You will be required to wear your mask throughout the flight.

· You are welcome to bring your own hand sanitisers, please don't wipe any of the seat, tray-tables or surrounding aircraft surfaces with your hand sanitizer as this may cause damage.

· Cabin crew will have hand sanitizer wipes available should you wish to wipe your seating area.

· Liquid and gel security restrictions still apply, so please limit your containers of 70% alcohol- based hand sanitisers to 100 ml. Security officials will confiscate any bottles that exceed the limitations.

Hygiene on Busses

Some flights may require passengers to board busses which transfer them from the boarding gate to the aircraft, or from the aircraft to the arrival’s terminal. For your peace of mind, the health regulations require that busses are cleaned and disinfected after every trip.

· This includes all surfaces and touch points you are likely to touch, such as doors, hand-grabs, hand-rails and seats.

· Say "goodbye" to crammed busses - they are not allowed to carry more than 70% of their capacity.

Onboard Airlink planes

Please wear your face mask while you are onboard. It’s to protect you and everyone else.

The cabin air in Airlink’s aircraft is renewed every three minutes and kept clean by passing it through High Efficiency Particle Air (HEPA) filters, similar to those used in hospital operating theatres. They are proven to block 99,97% of all microscopic particles, including Coronavirus molecules.

In addition, Airlink’s aircraft are cleaned and sanitised to the highest aviation health and safety standards.

· This includes all touchpoints such as seats, safety-belts, head-rests, seat-pockets, overhead baggage bins, the air-vent/reading light/call button consols, tray-tables, windows and shutters.

· Airlink also replace the headrest covers on every seat prior to the flight.

· Unfortunately, Airlink have had to remove the in-flight magazines from the seat pocket. (download your copy before you fly)

· If you require any assistance, reassurance or you are not feeling well, please speak to one of Airlink’s flight attendants.

From your side — it’s simple:

· Wear your facemask while you are in the airport and onboard our planes.

· Frequently wash your hands with water and soap or use a Suitable sanitiser.

· Avoid touching your mouth, nose, eyes and other people

· Don't forget to carry your travel permit.

Together with the Airports Company South Africa, Airlink are implementing all of the necessary effective sanitisation and distancing measures to stop the transmission of the COVID-19 virus while travelling on an Airlink flight.

Airlink look forward to welcoming you back on one of their flights soon.

Download the full Airlink Health and Safety protocols here.

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